My Past is History
Your thoughts create your reality.
Friday, April 14, 2023
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
My Resignation Letter To GCN (2015)
Thursday, August 27, 2020
A Generation of Degenerates
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Karma is Real.
Friday, April 17, 2020
2020 - The Year The World Submitted.
How do you control a population and get them to submit? Fear.
I believe Bill Gates is directly involved, either with the creation, manipulation, or modification of certain viruses of the 21st century and possibly before.21st century epidemics…/the-deadliest-epidemics-of-the…
Watch an interview with Bill Gates back in 1991; scroll to the one minute and 31 second mark and listen to what his "other" stock investment was/is aside from Microsoft.
Then do your own research:Next Google, "Event 201"
We all can keep blaming Trump for not acting quickly enough, or China as to where it originated. But the truth is, we all know someone that has had all the signs and symptoms of Covid-19. For god sake, just months prior (late 2019) I personally witnessed numerous individuals,, young and old stricken with what was described as influenza, which most described as the worst pain and suffering they ever experienced. It was covered very little by local or national news agencies.
My personal opinion is those who got ill in the Fall/Early Winter were sick with Covid-19.Do you really believe because Wuhan China was where the virus was first discovered, is actually where it originated? Covid-19 had made its way around the world two fold, before finally being recognized as a new strain in Wuhan China. So why all the hype if the worst was behind us months ago?
How do you control a population and get them to submit? Fear.
Just as with 911, where the enemy was simply a label known as "Al-Qaeda, ISIS or an unknown or "invisible" threat, so is this virus. It's being used as another "invisible threat" to scare you into submission.
There's no conspiracy, we are simply all being led into a future which will consist of a cashless society with a one world currency, vaccine mandates before allowed the freedom to travel internationally. RFID chips (already in passports, credit cards etc.) to be tracked where ever we go, in a A.I., 5G world.
There will be the ultra rich, and then the poor. No middle class, no small businesses will exist, only large corporations such as Amazon, Walmart etc...and all currency will be digitized and you will no longer have physical control of your wealth. It will be numbers, that can be created or deleted from your account in an instant, which will dictate your status in this new world.
My theory suggests; they are crashing the economy on purpose, while conditioning you to become dependent upon their "handouts."This event will be extended further, and people will run out of their stimulus money and relatively quickly. The same with business owners. Then what? What happens when unemployment skyrockets more so then what already has occurred?What happens when you have no more stimulus money, or your saving account is depleted? People get desperate. People make bad choices when desperate. Desperate people do desperate things. Quote me: This is going to cause an economic collapse that makes the Great Depression look like a cake walk. This isn't a conspiracy. This is common sense.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Take the money. I've got the kids!
Let's not forget to include 50% of my check to child support each pay period.
Is life fair? No! But, at the end of the day I have 2 of my 3 children here with me in North Dakota and that's worth more to me than any stimulus check.
Covid-19 has allowed me extended time with my son's which I wouldn't have normally had with them.
I might not have everything I want anymore, but I have everything I need. My sons, here with me. My sons miss their sister and I miss my daughter, but that is out of my control and her mother needs to learn that what she is doing is called Parential Alienation and considered a form of child abuse.
While she sits on Twitter begging celebrities to give her money cause Covid-19 has effected her Online job, she now has money from Covid-19 plus child support..She was always the victim, I mean she always played that role so well..after all that's how she got my empathy that turned to sympathy then her mental instability became mine..a sickness..that I have long healed from...unfortunately she's still out there looking for that next victim herself..
Monday, March 23, 2020
My Hero!
When it was dark you were there to give me light.
When I got hurt you were there to mend me back to health.
When I was hungry you were there to feed me.
When I was at my best, you were there to tell me how proud you were.
When I was at my lowest, you were there to remind me to never give up.
When it seemed as if I was all alone, you were the one person who would always message me back.
There isn't another women on this planet that could replace you.
You are the strongest and most resilient women I've ever met.
You are my hero. You are my mother.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Global Propaganda in 2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
Do Over's
*I would have married my college sweetheart.
*To recognize earlier in life that the only person I truly could change was myself.
*To listen to my instincts instead of my hormones.
*To let those leave who want to leave and focus less on the past while simply appreciating the present.
*Appreciate the sacrifices my parents made together and as individuals.
*To never make my mother cry.
*Call my father more often and hugged my brother goodbye.
*Learn to Love myself instead of expecting someone else too.
*Show my children's mothers the same respect I as a father would expect a man to show my daughter.
·Invested in financial certainties such as precious metals and bitcoin.
*Finally, to know then what I do now, and to appreciate and learn to live with the choices I've made while embracing those which have empowered my life, and to let go sooner of all that is out of my control.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Scars Last A Lifetime
In late 2001 into early 2002 I had the pleasure of bunking up with Billy Bubbers as a room mate while we both attended Brown Institute. (Now Brown College) He enrolled for the Graphic Arts program and I for the Radio Broadcasting course. Little did I know at the time how crucial one young mans presence, which was soon followed by a friendship, would shape the life I currently am living today.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
A Letter Received
Received on 11:57
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m selfish and expect too much. I’m sorry for the way I approach things or how I expect you to consider me in your actions and decisions. I’m sorry for putting that pressure on you. You’re right that I think about myself enough that no one else should have to and that you are a grown man who doesn’t have to justify his actions to others. I’m sorry I upset you so much. I love you and am more than happy with you - you truly do bring out a happiness in me that I’ve never known. But it's obvious you don’t want to be in a relationship or have to worry about anyone other than you and the boys and I completely understand that. I'm sorry I made you feel like you did. I miss you - the insights I used to get from you about the inner workings of your mind, how you felt, what you believe. The fact that even though you had to work all night, you’d come and lay beside me until I fell asleep just so I knew you were there. I love you and you are more than anything I could have ever hoped or prayed to have in my life.
You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and have shown me how much I can truly care for someone - but I'm holding you back and I know it. You’ve said plenty of times you'd rather be single than in a relationship with me and more then enough times that you’d rather be done with us than fix an issue. I'd go to the ends of the Earth for you or do anything you would/could ask me to. Hell, I'd put my own life on the line for you.
I'm not dating you just to “date" you. I'm in a relationship with you because I see so much more in you. I see someone that I’d love to be the father of my child/children (if I can have them - lord knows we’ve been pretty damn lucky in not having that happen so far), someone that I can depend and rely on, someone that I can see myself growing old with, sharing stories and jokes, hopes and dreams with. Sharing a true and passionate love with. I see someone whom I fall in love with all over again day after day because they're not only handsomely beautiful on the outside, but a beautiful person inside as well.
You're intelligence, wit, humor, caring, kindness, passion, compassion, loyalty, drive, sense of who you are, confidence, self-esteem, beliefs, morals and values are all things that I admire about you. Your honesty and bluntness, although a bit harsh at times, are part of what makes you so amazing. It's become clear to me over the past few days/weeks that I don't deserve to share those things with you. I don't expect to have you lay next me to as I fall asleep or rub my back while I doze off because I'm not feeling well. You have your own life, worries, expectations and it's become clear that I don't live up to fitting into those aspects of your world. Although I'm not sure if it's because I'm not good enough to or if it's because you don't want me to be part of your life in those ways. I can't make you think/consider/care about me. I know you do and I truly believe you love me - I'm just not sure you're in love with me the way that I'm in love with you. I don't see other people when I look at you. You truly are all I see in a room filled with people - I'm drawn to you and I don't know why..
I can't explain how safe I feel when you hug me or how comforted the smell of you and your cologne make me feel. Or how every time I see you my heart skips a beat and my stomach does flip flops because of the butterflies you give me. Words truly cannot explain how in love with you I am.
Because I love you I'm giving you an out - if you truly do not want to be in a relationship and want to be single I’ll understand but I just ask that you give me some type of closure if that's what you decide. I don't want to make you feel as if you have to be with me because of how much I care for you and I can't expect you to consider me in all you do. I’ll try to understand - it might break my heart - but for you I'll try. I'd do anything for you. You told me once that you could see yourself having kids with me - but the biggest thing you ever said to me - which is part of why I've never doubted you and have always chose to believe you and is part of the reason I'm so stubborn about not giving up on us - is that you loved me and when you looked at me you saw someone that you truly though you could consider marrying. Knowing your views on marriage, hearing you say that to me (back months ago - I'm sure you've changed your mind) truly meant something to me. It was then that I chose to give you 100% of myself and to never keep anything from you but to try and show you how much you mean to me. I'm sorry I let you down and disappointed you in all the ways that I have. Just know you're the only one I want to be with for now and forever. I love you with all of my heart and soul - all that I have to give. I'm sorry if I'm caused you to not feel that way anymore and if I have I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself. You really are the most beautiful person, inside and out that I have ever met in my life. I can only hope that you still love me and want to be with me.
I love you and just want to spend the rest of our lives dancing together.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
If I Were To Post On A Dating Site!
Monday, May 25, 2015
A Simple Man. A Hard Fought Battle.
Dad was traveling away from his home in Comstock, Wisconsin (township outside Turtle Lake) to accompany a friend who was hauling freight across country in an 18 wheeler. Once in Utah, they decided to make a pitstop and get supplies, and wash the truck while they were at it. My dad and his friend Paul, once done, both pulled themselves high up into the big rig, attempting to get comfortable for the remainder of the haul with California as their final destination. As both were readying to go, Paul looked over to the passenger seat, when he took notice his friend had started to wheeze, and soon after without anytime to react, his passenger collapsed onto the front dashboard. I received a call a few moments later.
My dads heart had stopped beating....but why in Utah? Why not at home? Why not any other time through out his life time? Over the next couple weeks as his mind and body battled against his ailing heart, I believe most of my questions were aanswered. That was until, the night of December 8th at 11:10 am, which was a Sunday. I was four days back home in Minnesota from visiting my old man, and I had decided to go into work late that night to catch up while no distractions were present, when suddenly my cell phone started to vibrate. I looked down at the screen and before I saw who it was from, I already knew who it was and what the call had to be about. This was the second call.
This man is someone who I referred to as the "Richest Poor Man in The World". If you asked him, the whole world had lost it's damn mind and is way too busy taking themselves way too seriously. Time and time again, he'd kept me humbled and grounded with one simple quote which he repeated when he thought he needed to remind me, which was, "Son, I might not have everything I want, but I definitely have everything I need."
Anyways, If he allowed himself to get caught up in the paycheck to paycheck, monthly mortgage, car payment, fiasco, I truly believe he would have felt as if authority had gotten the best of him, and he wasnt about to give in just to appease the masses. Nor was he about to adapt with society or embrace technology because of its trend. He wasn't about to become just another head to count or meaningless statistic either. He truly wanted to be a free man at any cost. He is a man a lot of people might not quite understand. Some might see a selfish man, while others might see rebellious, but me, I see a simple man.
1. Once he called me his son, he knew there was no longer anyway possible I could deny to the other beach goers that I was indeed offspring to the loud bubble monster singing in the middle of the lake.
2. He also made me realize, son of a...he probably doesnt EVEN have a monthly water can I argue with that.
When he was stern with myself or my brother for one reason or another he'd calm down and say he wasn't mad at us, and that he was more disappointed with himself, switching the focus on himself saying time and time again, "Garsh darn it son, I should have taught you better, its my fault, its my fault." I love my dad, and everything about him that I was embarrassed by when he was here, i now wish he could one last time.
As I continued to speak with the nurse, and as I heard them working on Dad in the background (yes she was in the same room) nearly 15 minutes had lapsed.At which time I asked the nurse on the other side of the phone how long they typically continue the CPR procedure. I come to find out it is my call as when they should stop. (Whoops, pardon me, rookie mistake I guess) After a couple more minutes and rounding the 20 minute mark, I took a deep breath and told them to stop compression's..
Hitch Hikers Detour - A Journey To Rock Bottom I knew this day would eventually arrive, and I tried to prepare myself emotionally and menta...
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Received on 11:57 I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m selfish and expect too much. I’m sorry for the way I approach things or how I expect you to cons...
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So what if my children's mother's get a combined $5100.00, and I end with $0. Let's not forget to include 50% of my check to c...