Thursday, August 27, 2020

A Generation of Degenerates

This is exactly what the welfare system and free hand outs have created; a generation of degenerate, self entitled ignorant and disrespectful 'nigga's." Oh thats right, its politically incorrect of me to use that word seeing how I am of European descent. Yet, its perfectly ok for an African American to refer to a Caucasian as a "Nigga". Double standards have become a social norm with regards to race in America due to the argument of African Americans once being oppressed and some may argue they still are to this day.. Hey "Niggas", the only one keeping you oppressed is yourselves, and your inability to rise above becoming a product of your environment. Lifes all about free will and choices...Some of you choose to use history as your crutch. Some of you choose to replicate your environments negative traits instead of the positive. It doesnt matter if youre white, black, red or fucking orange. We all have stories, and we all are responsible for our own actions and reactions...and unfortunately we in society tend to grasp onto, and follow, the current trend the media sets for us. So forth right comes the pointing fingers at one another, pushing blame onto one another, creating division amongst one another, so we forget that were all Americans. All our ancestors had hardships, (some worse then others, get the fuck over it), to migrate to this country to assure you would be born a free man or women...yet here we are, allowing our politicians, congressman, state representatives, and ignorant fucks like this in the video to piss away our next generations hope to be born free as well.. We all should be ashamed of ourselves. Every single person, regardless of your beliefs, your race, or hell even your sexual orientation, get over yourselves youre not that fucking great... Afterall, if we were all fucking great, then we wouldnt have blindly allowed our country to reach the point it has...Now, if you want to use our past generations and events as a precurser for being oppressed then maybe we all should be turning our hatred towards those who have lead our first, second, third generation, and our parents ending with you and I to where we are today. And stop drinking the fucking koolaid of these corporate owned media outlets and politicians and unite once and for all before this bullshit Covid propaganda has you volunteering you and your family as guinea pig to test out the new vaccination..oh but they cant make me or my family take the vaccination, thats communist tactics, you say!! Yeah well, we already have people volunteering to take the vaccine just so this Covid can be past us, and for those of us that refuse to take it, what do you thinks gonna happen us? Youre right they cant force it upon us BUT they can make our everyday lifes inconvenient as possible until we finally reach the point of not being able to travel, buy, sell or trade goods, send our children to school (already happens with vaccinations) or even the inability to get healthcare or even get medical treatment. I know I digressed throughout, but my point is; we all must'nt get distracted by ignorant "Niggas", but unite as a nation or we are going to be torn apart by a civil war amongst our neighbors....a civil war our leaders not only need, but want. So we can reduce our numbers significantly for the longevity of our planet, and to further the escalation of their agenda 21. As far as we know, we only have one life to live...are you gonna sit back and live it in fear? Or are you gonna fucking stand up and live free, follow the Ten commandments and truly appreciate why you and I were put on this Earth to begin with...To Live and Die Free as God Intended.

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