Thursday, May 7, 2020

Karma is Real.

I worked for the Genesis Communications Network, Inc from 2002-2015, which is owned by Ted Anderson, and the national syndication company for Alex Jones. I personally have met Alex Jones and witnessed first hand the paranoia, the separation and isolating himself from other hosts, which eventually ceased completely. He was even responsible for the cancellation and dismissal of any broadcaster on the network who he saw as a threat to his status of being the best, or #1. He was a very demanding, had tantrums during commercial breaks, yelled, screamed, was verbally abusive and held GCN hostage by constantly threatening to leave and begin his own network, and get his own sponsors.

Our parent company, Midas Resources employed mostly alcoholics and addicts who had no problem convincing the elderly and the naive to hand over their hard earned money, and even trade in IRA’s, then sometimes never deliver or take 4-6 months to receive their precious metals…Ted Anderson and Alex Jones made piles of cash, but thankfully Midas Resources was shut down by the state, but now is used to push Youngevity products.

Alex Jones was very sincere with his initial concern for his country, freedom, and overall defeat of the Globalist Agenda, yet as he pursued the trending news of each day, and began to get notarized by the increasing amount of celebrities who he would utilize as much as they would allow him. Ted Nugent, Jesse Ventura, Chariie Sheen, Joe Rogan, just to name a few..

He continued to follow the daily news trends, while over dramatizing any and all stories while the characters began to play out and his mental stability became increasingly concerning…but he was making us all money so I remained…that was until I became the operations/sales manager in 2013. In October 2015 I resigned, after 13 years with the company and walked away from a 175k a year, once I was able to witness for myself the money laundering, ponzi schemes, along with Alex Jones’ tyrannical reign and control he had over the man who was suppose to be his superior.

Yet Ted allowed it, but with the state investigating our parent company for fraud, and Alex Jones’ mental health deteriorating, and finding it completely acceptable to profit from dead children…I wanted no more part of it.
I was unable to work for 2 years in an industry which I had built my career, without being able to get a job, addiction took over, I got my vehicle repossessed, I was evicted, and lost my family.
I went and completed inpatient treatment, and moved to North Dakota to start over and rebuild with as little as I had when I left home for college. Yet, the knowledge I have, and the book I could write about Ted Anderson, his creation Alex Jones, and the tens of millions of dollars they both have made simply by Problem. Reaction. Solution..

Karma is real. I experienced it, and recently so has Alex Jones….Soon enough so will the man behind the curtain, Mr. Theodore Richard Anderson..

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