Let's not forget to include 50% of my check to child support each pay period.
Is life fair? No! But, at the end of the day I have 2 of my 3 children here with me in North Dakota and that's worth more to me than any stimulus check.
Covid-19 has allowed me extended time with my son's which I wouldn't have normally had with them.
I might not have everything I want anymore, but I have everything I need. My sons, here with me. My sons miss their sister and I miss my daughter, but that is out of my control and her mother needs to learn that what she is doing is called Parential Alienation and considered a form of child abuse.
While she sits on Twitter begging celebrities to give her money cause Covid-19 has effected her Online job, she now has money from Covid-19 plus child support..She was always the victim, I mean she always played that role so well..after all that's how she got my empathy that turned to sympathy then her mental instability became mine..a sickness..that I have long healed from...unfortunately she's still out there looking for that next victim herself..