Friday, April 17, 2020

2020 - The Year The World Submitted.

How do you control a population and get them to submit? Fear.

I believe Bill Gates is directly involved, either with the creation, manipulation, or modification of certain viruses of the 21st century and possibly before.21st century epidemics…/the-deadliest-epidemics-of-the…

Watch an interview with Bill Gates back in 1991; scroll to the one minute and 31 second mark and listen to what his "other" stock investment was/is aside from Microsoft.

Then do your own research:Next Google, "Event 201"

We all can keep blaming Trump for not acting quickly enough, or China as to where it originated. But the truth is, we all know someone that has had all the signs and symptoms of Covid-19. For god sake, just months prior (late 2019) I personally witnessed numerous individuals,, young and old stricken with what was described as influenza, which most described as the worst pain and suffering they ever experienced. It was covered very little by local or national news agencies.

My personal opinion is those who got ill in the Fall/Early Winter were sick with Covid-19.Do you really believe because Wuhan China was where the virus was first discovered, is actually where it originated? Covid-19 had made its way around the world two fold, before finally being recognized as a new strain in Wuhan China. So why all the hype if the worst was behind us months ago? 

How do you control a population and get them to submit? Fear.

Just as with 911, where the enemy was simply a label known as "Al-Qaeda, ISIS or an unknown or "invisible" threat, so is this virus. It's being used as another "invisible threat" to scare you into submission.

There's no conspiracy, we are simply all being led into a future which will consist of a cashless society with a one world currency, vaccine mandates before allowed the freedom to travel internationally. RFID chips (already in passports, credit cards etc.) to be tracked where ever we go, in a A.I., 5G world.

There will be the ultra rich, and then the poor. No middle class, no small businesses will exist, only large corporations such as Amazon, Walmart etc...and all currency will be digitized and you will no longer have physical control of your wealth. It will be numbers, that can be created or deleted from your account in an instant, which will dictate your status in this new world.

My theory suggests; they are crashing the economy on purpose, while conditioning you to become dependent upon their "handouts."This event will be extended further, and people will run out of their stimulus money and relatively quickly. The same with business owners. Then what? What happens when unemployment skyrockets more so then what already has occurred?What happens when you have no more stimulus money, or your saving account is depleted? People get desperate. People make bad choices when desperate. Desperate people do desperate things. Quote me: This is going to cause an economic collapse that makes the Great Depression look like a cake walk. This isn't a conspiracy. This is common sense.

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