Monday, March 23, 2020

My Hero!

When I wanted to give up, you were the one there to lift me off my knees back onto my feet.
When it was dark you were there to give me light.
When I got hurt you were there to mend me back to health.
When I was hungry you were there to feed me.
When I was at my best, you were there to tell me how proud you were.
When I was at my lowest, you were there to remind me to never give up.
When it seemed as if I was all alone, you were the one person who would always message me back.
There isn't another women on this planet that could replace you.
You are the strongest and most resilient women I've ever met.
You are my hero. You are my mother.
Happy Birthday Mom.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Global Propaganda in 2020

83,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus globally, and there's hysteria? 17,000 confirmed deaths worldwide and the media is scaring the shit out of people...for what?
More than 640,000 people worldwide died last year from the seasonal flu virus alone, with 5,000,000 confirmed cases. Each year it mutates, hence why there's no cure. Each year more and more people die..
So if you are someone with a pre-existing respiratory issue or have a weakened immune system, then by all means stay home, but let's not fall victim to the circus we call the media....Go enjoy life. If we die, we die. Even more reason to go do what makes you happy TODAY!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Do Over's

I was recently sent a message by a columnist for a local newspaper, it read;
"Hi Jason. Question for the paper. If you have a chance for some "do overs" in life, what would you do differently?"
After a few days I finally responded with the following;
"*I would have lived more in the moment with romantic opportunities.
*I would have married my college sweetheart.
*To recognize earlier in life that the only person I truly could change was myself.
*To listen to my instincts instead of my hormones.
*To let those leave who want to leave and focus less on the past while simply appreciating the present.
*Appreciate the sacrifices my parents made together and as individuals.
*To never make my mother cry.
*Call my father more often and hugged my brother goodbye.
*Learn to Love myself instead of expecting someone else too.
*Show my children's mothers the same respect I as a father would expect a man to show my daughter.
·Invested in financial certainties such as precious metals and bitcoin.
*Finally, to know then what I do now, and to appreciate and learn to live with the choices I've made while embracing those which have empowered my life, and to let go sooner of all that is out of my control.
Do overs....each day we open our eyes, is a do over, if we choose to view our reality as such."
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Scars Last A Lifetime

In late 2001 into early 2002 I had the pleasure of bunking up with Billy Bubbers as a room mate while we both attended Brown Institute. (Now Brown College) He enrolled for the Graphic Arts program and I for the Radio Broadcasting course. Little did I know at the time how crucial one young mans presence, which was soon followed by a friendship, would shape the life I currently am living today.

I remember as if it were yesterday, I was riding shotgun each morning as we drove to Brown College (was Brown Institute in 2001) as he introduced me to a group who called themselves I.C.P., morning after morning, day after day until I myself had memorized the lyrics to pretty much everyone of their songs. So much so, I can still recite many of their lovely lyrics to this very day. Young Billy, would be tapping on his steering wheel with his lit cigarette between his fingers, with what seemed like, (if only for a moment) having no care in the world while he jammed.

To be honest he WAS and IS the only reason I stayed in college after my brother passed away in 2001, which was only a month after we had even initially began. Hell, he was one of the reasons I even decided to enroll in Brown College, as I knew I would at least have the comfort of knowing someone and being roommates with a familiar face in a big new place, making the adjustment for myself a bit easier to accept and I'd like to believe he'd have said the same if he were here today, about me.

Im glad to say I had the chance to get to know Billy, not so much when we lived in Cali, but as roomates in Nicollet Ridge in Burnsville. He truly was a great guy and I can honestly say without his encouragement to continue on with schooling after my brothers passing, I would not have the career Ive had now for over 13 years. I also would not have met the women that eventually brought into this world the two wonderful children I have today.

So as you can see, toward the end of his life he helped direct me to move forward and to stay on track and not give myself an easy out when one presented itself. My life would be entirely different right now if it werent for him.

With my criminal history being what it was at that point in my life looking back now Billy was a crucial piece in helping save me from returning to my troubled way of life in the small town of Caledonia which would have inevitably led me to return to an elevated state of drug use, ending up in prison or even death for myself.

I think about that kid all the damn time. I wish I could go back in time and tell Billy, my brother, Brian B., Josh S., Loreli and all the others to not get into any of those cars on any of those dreadful days. Unfortunatley I can't do that, I dont have a time machine, and god damn it if I hear one more person tell me, "That all will heal and get better with time", Im going to karate chop them in the fucking throat. As we all know, the pain of losing someone (I apologize for not listing them all), never fully goes away. It leaves a perminent scar, which if touched is still just as sensitive today, as it was the very day the wound first was made.

Most scars which we receive throughout our lifetime serve as reminders of mistakes or accidents that we ourselves have made along our journey in life, that when a scar appears we had no control over, we at first tend to want to pick at it, agitate it, examine it, in the same sense as one does when believing they could of, should have or would have been able to keep from getting wounded in the first place. While inevitably in the end accept defeat as it being the only remaining option, realizing this wound was out of our control all along with no preventative possible.

This particular wound has now turned into a scar like many of the others weve received along the way, but unlike the others before it, this scar is different.
This scar was created when someone we loved dearly passed away reaching into our chest removing a piece of our heart and wounding us eternally forever.
Time does not help heal, as i believe the pain even deepens as we watch the peers of the same age of our loved one who has passed begin to have children, and that is when it truly hits home. Not only did our love one pass away, but the entire future generations that will never come into existence. I not only lost my brother, I lost neices and nephews that to this day I will never have the chance to hear them call my name.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Letter Received

Received on 11:57

I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m selfish and expect too much. I’m sorry for the way I approach things or how I expect you to consider me in your actions and decisions. I’m sorry for putting that pressure on you. You’re right that I think about myself enough that no one else should have to and that you are a grown man who doesn’t have to justify his actions to others. I’m sorry I upset you so much. I love you and am more than happy with you - you truly do bring out a happiness in me that I’ve never known. But it's obvious you don’t want to be in a relationship or have to worry about anyone other than you and the boys and I completely understand that. I'm sorry I made you feel like you did. I miss you - the insights I used to get from you about the inner workings of your mind, how you felt, what you believe. The fact that even though you had to work all night, you’d come and lay beside me until I fell asleep just so I knew you were there. I love you and you are more than anything I could have ever hoped or prayed to have in my life.

You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and have shown me how much I can truly care for someone - but I'm holding you back and I know it. You’ve said plenty of times you'd rather be single than in a relationship with me and more then enough times that you’d rather be done with us than fix an issue. I'd go to the ends of the Earth for you or do anything you would/could ask me to. Hell, I'd put my own life on the line for you.

I'm not dating you just to “date" you. I'm in a relationship with you because I see so much more in you. I see someone that I’d love to be the father of my child/children (if I can have them - lord knows we’ve been pretty damn lucky in not having that happen so far), someone that I can depend and rely on, someone that I can see myself growing old with, sharing stories and jokes, hopes and dreams with. Sharing a true and passionate love with. I see someone whom I fall in love with all over again day after day because they're not only handsomely beautiful on the outside, but a beautiful person inside as well.

You're intelligence, wit, humor, caring, kindness, passion, compassion, loyalty, drive, sense of who you are, confidence, self-esteem, beliefs, morals and values are all things that I admire about you. Your honesty and bluntness, although a bit harsh at times, are part of what makes you so amazing. It's become clear to me over the past few days/weeks that I don't deserve to share those things with you. I don't expect to have you lay next me to as I fall asleep or rub my back while I doze off because I'm not feeling well. You have your own life, worries, expectations and it's become clear that I don't live up to fitting into those aspects of your world. Although I'm not sure if it's because I'm not good enough to or if it's because you don't want me to be part of your life in those ways. I can't make you think/consider/care about me. I know you do and I truly believe you love me - I'm just not sure you're in love with me the way that I'm in love with you. I don't see other people when I look at you. You truly are all I see in a room filled with people - I'm drawn to you and I don't know why..
I can't explain how safe I feel when you hug me or how comforted the smell of you and your cologne make me feel. Or how every time I see you my heart skips a beat and my stomach does flip flops because of the butterflies you give me. Words truly cannot explain how in love with you I am.

Because I love you I'm giving you an out - if you truly do not want to be in a relationship and want to be single I’ll understand but I just ask that you give me some type of closure if that's what you decide. I don't want to make you feel as if you have to be with me because of how much I care for you and I can't expect you to consider me in all you do. I’ll try to understand - it might break my heart - but for you I'll try. I'd do anything for you. You told me once that you could see yourself having kids with me - but the biggest thing you ever said to me - which is part of why I've never doubted you and have always chose to believe you and is part of the reason I'm so stubborn about not giving up on us - is that you loved me and when you looked at me you saw someone that you truly though you could consider marrying. Knowing your views on marriage, hearing you say that to me (back months ago - I'm sure you've changed your mind) truly meant something to me. It was then that I chose to give you 100% of myself and to never keep anything from you but to try and show you how much you mean to me. I'm sorry I let you down and disappointed you in all the ways that I have. Just know you're the only one I want to be with for now and forever. I love you with all of my heart and soul - all that I have to give. I'm sorry if I'm caused you to not feel that way anymore and if I have I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself. You really are the most beautiful person, inside and out that I have ever met in my life. I can only hope that you still love me and want to be with me.

I love you and just want to spend the rest of our lives dancing together. 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

If I Were To Post On A Dating Site!

Now that im single for the first time in over 13 years. I've always been tempted to join an online dating site simply to try it out, but am always cautious to how I'd present myself to the ladies online. Well after an hour of brainstorming last night, I came up with the following. I hope you enjoy it!
So this is where I am suppose to tell you about what I like or dislike, and tell you about my fears and my shortcomings. Where I describe my hobbies and my free time activities, huh? Maybe I should begin by telling you stories of my past relationship's and how they all start out as well as most do. Yet soon after how they would quickly spiral out of control time after time, relationship after relationship as I experienced abuse yet again by the hands of a women. I repeatedly find myself being slapped around, my haired pulled, all while being called dirty, shameful and hurtful names, Only to realize at the climax of each relationship how much I actually really enjoyed every minute of it.
...Or should I just write something memorable to stand out which I would presume would make every women reading this, (regardless of their current relationship status) find the need to immediately jump in their car, race over to my house as quickly as possible, and be allowed to ravage me upon arrival. Then abruptly exit as quickly as they had entered without even saying a god damn word. All while being left trembling in the corner of my room, as I try to piece together what the hell just happened. While simultaneously pondering whether or not it's still considered illegal, if I enjoyed what just took place moments before?"

Alright have I got your attention, now? I thought so.

First of all, I think we should get something straight. I'm a sarcastic SOB and am very straight forward, if you cant handle laughter, excitement, or being around someone who doesn't give a damn what others think, then I'm probably to much for you. I experience life, not just live it. I watch others worry about what other people might think if they do or say something not politically correct. You know...those people you're more than likely never going to see again anyways...Yeah, granny in the supermarket is going to talk to her old lady friends at her knitting club later that night about you, big f-in whoop, then lets give those old bittys something to talk about shall we? Damn right we shall.
My father always told me that If you take life too serious, its your own damn fault. Dont get me wrong, of course there's time to be serious too and I can flip it on and off as fast as need be, but I digress.
With that said though, please don't message me if your one of those women who are dense enough to continually navigate towards inbred a-holes who just tell you what you want to hear, making it ok to let them in for the score on the first date, and then cry when they never call you back... Oh, how you thought he was different then the other one night stands you've had, before. Give me a break, your not fooling anyone. Your easy, just accept it, and come to grips that your going to do the exact same thing again tonight. Make it a challenge at least would you? Were guys, and aren't going to turn it down either way, but challenge us for god-sake, it makes the lovin so much better.

Everybody in this world wants something from someone else.  Think about it, understand it, and accept it, but don't be repetitively ignorant about it.

I'm obviously not going to schmooze you on here, or probably even reach out to you unless you do first. I simply don't have the urgency to go and try to impress a few dozen chicks all at the same time. I mean for god sake, I had a hard enough time in my last relationship between my busy work schedule, children, and my mistresses, keeping my ex happy and entertained. Now, all of you that are lining up just waiting for me to stop typing this to speak with me, I have to impress now as well? Sweet Jesus, wheres my bottle!?

I mean come on, most guys my age on this site more then likely still live home with their parents, have no job, no car, or routinely get hammered and verbally abuse the women they meet on here. Only to then apologize later as they are crying and standing in their piss pants while they beg for your forgiveness, just to do it all over again the very next night! Worse yet, you are allowing them to do it! Women like that crap for some reason.

So with that said, if you want to be treated with respect I can do that, but if you want to be treated like dirt, hell I guess I can do that as well.

I've been in the Radio Syndication business for 13 years now, so work is important to me and I enjoy what I do.

I'm a single father who has full custody of my two boys, who are 7 and 11, which you don't see very often, which should tell you a great deal about where my priorities are in life.

So can we please eliminate all the ad lib small talk and just go straight for the meat of it all, (yes ladies I said meat, stay with me here now) and actually see if we are compatible by determining first and foremost what each is looking to get out of this experience.

Wow, I need to lay off the Red bull, or publish a damn book or something. Good god.

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Simple Man. A Hard Fought Battle.

At the time I wrote this my father Jim Worsley was currently in a hospital in St. George, UT as a result of a sudden heart attack which occurred on Thanksgiving Day. Which beknown to me up until a few days after, my paternal Grandfather passed away on the very same holiday back in '97.

Dad was traveling away from his home in Comstock, Wisconsin (township outside Turtle Lake) to accompany a friend who was hauling freight across country in an 18 wheeler. Once in Utah, they decided to make a pitstop and get supplies, and wash the truck while they were at it. My dad and his friend Paul, once done, both pulled themselves high up into the big rig, attempting to get comfortable for the remainder of the haul with California as their final destination.  As both were readying to go, Paul looked over to the passenger seat, when he took notice his friend had started to wheeze, and soon after without anytime to react, his passenger collapsed onto the front dashboard. I received a call a few moments later. 

My dads heart had stopped beating....but why in Utah? Why not at home? Why not any other time through out his life time? Over the next couple weeks as his mind and body battled against his ailing heart, I believe most of my questions were aanswered. That was until, the night of December 8th at 11:10 am, which was a Sunday. I was four days back home in Minnesota from visiting my old man, and I had decided to go into work late that night to catch up while no distractions were present, when suddenly my cell phone started to vibrate. I looked down at the screen and before I saw who it was from, I already knew who it was and what the call had to be about. This was the second call.

This man is someone who I referred to as the "Richest Poor Man in The World". If you asked him, the whole world had lost it's damn mind and is way too busy taking themselves way too seriously. Time and time again, he'd kept me humbled and grounded with one simple quote which he repeated when he thought he needed to remind me, which was, "Son, I might not have everything I want, but I definitely have everything I need."
My dad has always been a simple man. I remember him no other way.  A man who chose  a certain lifestyle. A lifestyle, which separated him from the social norm, or definitely didn't fall into the category of being politically correct. He never accepted the stereotypical "American Dream", lifestyle. Over time I came to figure out it was  because of a dislike and distrust for authority figures which stemmed from growing up under the rule of a verbally and physically abusive father, but that part of his journey through life will need to wait to be told another day.
Anyways, If he allowed himself to get caught up in the paycheck to paycheck, monthly mortgage, car payment, fiasco, I truly believe he would have felt as if authority had gotten the best of him, and he wasnt about to give in just to appease the masses. Nor was he about to adapt with society or embrace technology because of its trend. He wasn't about to become just another head to count or meaningless statistic either. He truly wanted to be a free man at any cost.  He is a man a lot of people might not quite understand. Some might see a selfish man, while others might see rebellious, but me, I see a simple man.

He loved to hunt, fish and the outdoors of course. If I may since Im writing a book; I recall one time specifically, it was just him and I and we went down to the local swimming hole to cool off as we have done numerous times before over the years. Well it turns out this time was different, as he'd decided to bring along his shampoo so he could sneak a quick wash., I remembered being embarrassed by Wilderness Worsley and his simple ways as other swimmers began to arrive. Knowing the scene he would cause, he hollered out from the middle of the lake, "Hey son, I bet my monthly water bill is lower then yours," followed by his michievious laugh.
He accomplished two things by doing this:
1.  Once he called me his son, he knew there was no longer anyway possible I could deny to the other beach goers that I was indeed offspring to the loud bubble monster singing in the middle of the lake.
2. He also made me realize, son of a...he probably doesnt EVEN have a monthly water can I argue with that.
Jim, was a sarcastic, personable, fun loving and free spirited man who could make you mad as hell one second and the next have you laughing so hard with a smart ass comment, it down right irritated you, but that was why people loved him.
When he was stern with myself or my brother for one reason or another he'd calm down and say he wasn't mad at us, and that he was more disappointed with himself, switching the focus on himself saying time and time again, "Garsh darn it son, I should have taught you better, its my fault, its my fault." I love my dad, and everything about him that I was embarrassed by when he was here, i now wish he could one last time.

Ok, I better get on with what happened, as no one wants to read a novel about my father James Joseph Worsley, but boy could I write one, oh boy could I ever.

Thanksgiving 2014 - 6:05 PM
The EMT's were called and the doctors estimated he went 6-8 minutes without oxygen before a pulse was found. He was rushed to Valley View Medical Center in Utah, where he fought for his life once again, for an unknown period of time. Once a pulse was stabilized he was air lifted to one of the best cardiac hospitals in Utah, the Dixie Regional Medical Center in St. George.
Now keep in mind, his friend Paul is a long haul truck driver, so once dad was taken by ambulance, there wasn't much more he could do, and he had to continue on with his route to California leaving my Dad 1500 miles away from his home, his family and his best friend, Oscar, his doberman.
Jason (myself) and Jim’s fiance, Brenda immediately flew out to be by his side, first landing in Vegas. Jason without a legal license, (don't ask, I'm a procrastinator) and Brenda without a credit card, were unable to rent a car, (having one or the other doesn't seem to work, you need both it seems) we had to sleep 6 hours at the airport, before being lightly kicked by the airport security, awaking us just in time as fate may have it to catch the 6 am shuttle for a  2 hour ride to St. George Utah.
When we first arrived, early Saturday morning (after Thanksgiving) they already began weening him of the sedatives with no response being recorded up to that point. So with the worst imaginable in mind, I began to say my goodbyes and was preparing for his passing.
To everyones surprise, On Sunday afternoon, he decided it was time to wake up and opened his eyes, soon after the breathing tube was removed. Confused and unable to say many words, he followed simple commands by squeezing our hands, wiggling his toes, and winking at the pretty nurse that routinely checked in on him. With brain damage a concern (because of the time he went without oxygen), I knew at this point his mind was no more impaired then what it was before the heart attack, as his personality shown through when he hit on the nurse through his nonverbal eye wink. ;)
Monday - He continued in a positive direction, as he was beginning to speak more regularly, and requested ice chips, pudding,,But, at this point with the feeding tube only being removed a day prior, he was stuck with ice chips for now.  He was still confused as to what had happened, or how he ended up in Utah, but he did remember long term events such as where he works, his dogs name, what month it was, and asked if he knew who I was, he smirked and said proudly,  "That's Uglier Than Me," a reference he used quite frequently when referring to me, which again only varified he was getting better as each day passed.
Tuesday - At one point he was alert enough to yell out to the staff derogatory remarks about them not letting him leave, which I might add had the whole ICU laughing so hard they all had tears rolling down their cheeks, including myself and Brenda. To the ICU it was just some crazy man coming down off his pain meds, to me is just solidified further the stubborn old man who is my father, was getting better.
Wednesday - Things took a small step back but I believed it was because the nurses and doctors were tryng to find an appropriate level for his pain meds. After all, not only did he have a heart attack, it cost him pretty much every rib in his body, which were now broken and flailing in his chest due to the CPR he received. They swiched him to Morphine to help with the pain, and that seemed to irritate him and make him restless at first, which from what I learned after is normal in most cases.
However, he was still stable and the doctors were preparing to move him out of ICU in the next day or so,. So Brenda and I decided it was time to get back home and back to work and we took the 12:35 AM flight from Vegas to Minneapolis. We were in good spirits for his recovery.

Thursday night I received a call from the Dr. stating that he has Atrial fibrillation or AF, which is the most common type of arrhythmia. An arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. At which time he had asked my permission to shock his heart back into rhythm, at such time and knowing the risk I obliged.

**UPDATE** Sunday, December 7, 2014 I received a call after 11:10 pm from the nurse stating that dad had went into cardiac arrest and they had been resuscitating him for 10 minutes already before a call had been made to me.
As I continued to speak with the nurse, and as I heard them working on Dad in the background (yes she was in the same room) nearly 15 minutes had lapsed.At which time I asked the nurse on the other side of the phone how long they typically continue the CPR procedure. I come to find out it is my call as when they should stop. (Whoops, pardon me, rookie mistake I guess) After a couple more minutes and rounding the 20 minute mark, I took a deep breath and told them to stop compression's..

Now, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried so you guys just have to believe me. The very second i said stop compression's, the nurse in unison said, "Wait, wait, we have a rhythm"...I automatically screamed out loud reactionary, " You have got to be f*&%* kidding me?? He's playing with me, he just messing with me now, isn't he?" At which point his blood pressure, heart rate and everything else doctor-ish went back to normal.
20 minutes absolutely nothing..I say stop, and his heart starts beating again...I'm not a religious person, but there's something to say for what happened that night, I just don't have the words to say what should be said.  

Since that "Sign" though, I am sorry to say that was Mr. Custers last muster, and days later I had to make the decision to let the man go. The man I regrettably tried to avoid in life at times because of insignificant differences that span from  society telling me my father wasn't normal, and at times embarrassment took over instead of the acceptance or embracing the very man I have now become. 

If you never had the chance to meet James Worsley, you would have liked him, even respected him. He was a good man. He was not a perfect man. He did not have a lot to his name at times yet he'd still give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, They called him Jim, that's just the type of person he was, he was my father. 

 Jim is no longer on this Earth, he is gone now, he has left to go be with his Mother Audrey and Eldest Son Jesse Michael, who he loved more then life itself. 

I am all that remains, but I am my fathers son who now has two sons..who God willing will the same..over and over until the end of time.

Hitch Hikers Detour - A Journey To Rock Bottom I knew this day would eventually arrive, and I tried to prepare myself emotionally and menta...

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